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My Hope
(Christmas Version)

My Hope Christmas Version.png

Amy believes each individual song has a life, a meaning and a purpose, the songwriter’s role being to simply uncover it and steward it. This posture is what led to the discovery of My Hope (Christmas Version). After sharing the recording of the modern hymn My Hope with a few friends and family, Amy began to hear a common theme in response: “This could be a Christmas song.” It seemed as though this song had more to say to the world. So, with the help of Marty Lamain the Christmas version was born, providing an opportunity to stay in the manger a little longer and to focus on the sacrificial thread connecting the birth to the resurrection. Amid all of the miracles presented in the Bible, the Incarnation of almighty God to a helpless babe stands head and shoulders above the rest. It is not just a story, it is THE story, and because of God’s great love for us - it is OUR story too. 

Incarnate God all knowing
Descended from on high
From a filthy manger
Creation heard Him cry,

“Here I am, Beloved.
Oh cherished ones, I’ve come.
You won’t be abandoned.
The curse will be undone.”

Fulfilling every promise
The prophets had foretold
God in flesh among us
The heir to David’s throne

Here is our Messiah
Emmanuel has come
The story isn’t over
No, it has just begun

My hope is in the Lord
For I know that Jesus lives
My hope is in the resurrection
For I know he’ll come again

My hope is in the Lord
In his spirit that remains
My hope is in the coming kingdom
When he stands on earth again

A sacrifice of glory
Clothed in flesh and bone
Joining in our suffering
To bring his children home

He came to us in mercy
To set the captive free
This Man who died in violence
Is our living Prince of Peace

My hope is in the Lord
For I know that Jesus lives
My hope is in the resurrection
For I know he’ll come again

My hope is in the Lord
In his spirit that remains
My hope is in the coming kingdom
When he stands on earth again

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness
I dare not trust this feeble frame
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name

My hope is in the Lord
For I know that Jesus lives
My hope is in the resurrection
For I know he’ll come again

My hope is in the Lord
In his spirit that remains
My hope is in the coming kingdom
When he stands on earth again

My open hands I give You
No matter what may come
Like Mary’s sweet surrender
Let Your will be done
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