My Hope
Let the Holy Roar concludes with a modern hymn, "My Hope." Some songs are born in a flurry of words and notes, inspiration dawning with speed and accuracy. Other times a song is cultivated over months, piece by piece coming together. "My Hope" is such a song. Sermons by Tim Keller and Alistair Begg, books by Paul Tripp and AW Tozer, along with old Puritan prayers and modern liturgies created a whirlwind in Amy’s heart and mind over many months. From descriptions of the incarnation to celebrations of the resurrection, these sources provided a framework for "My Hope." Spending much of her life approaching her relationship with God through the lens of performance, Amy wrote "My Hope" as a way to remind her heart that God calls us Beloved, not because of what we do but because of who we belong to. We are adored my the Maker of heaven and earth. He delights in our company and He has lavished grace on us with abandon.