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Welcome to Amy Hillis Music.  Learn more about Amy, her music, testimony, and more.  Below you will find letters of recommendation, testimonials, original music, and contact/booking information.  

Dear Fellow Believer,

While I realize an introduction of myself should follow, I can’t help but begin with a personal introduction to Jesus and all that He has faithfully worked in my life. He is kind beyond measure, lovely beyond description, and faithful beyond what I deserve. I have been held and kept in salvation by Him since I was seven years old, however, it is only in the last three years that I have come to delight in knowing the fullness of His love.

My name is Amy Hillis and I am a daughter of the King. That is the only thing that qualifies me to even ask for a moment of your consideration. God planted a song in me at a young age and the enemy has tirelessly worked to silence it for most of my life. Being a preacher’s kid, a preacher’s grandkid, a preacher’s niece, and a preacher’s cousin did not exempt me or insulate me from the enemy’s attention. If anything, it only amplified the attack. As a result, betrayal, rejection, and abandonment have been faithful companions for many years. Their voices became louder than those of the Holy Spirit. Shame led me to believe I was nothing more than a tolerated member of God’s family. Saved? Yes. Cherished? No. If my own flawed father figures were not smitten with me why in the world would a perfect heavenly Father feel differently?

I have run ahead of God and away from God more times than I’d like to count but He never quit coming after me. I told Him at 14 that my voice, my song, any meager talent I might posses, belonged to Him. The road that led me to this day, writing this letter, has been a winding one, full of detours. In April of 2021 God interrupted our lives and connected us, at a funeral of all places, with Garth and Shelly Justice. Garth is an excellent drummer and producer, while Shelly is a sought after background vocalist. In Nashville, they are known, loved and respected by many prominent figures in their field. That divine appointment began a friendship and a collaboration that has given birth to ten songs God literally planted in my head and heart and called me to steward. Although amazing, even more so is the story of His unwavering faithfulness, His continual redemption of all that the curse has stolen, and His relentless pursuit of His children. He has taken what was broken in me and with a severe mercy re-broken the wounded places so that they could heal straight.


Like Jacob I still walk with a limp and like Sara I fight laughter at the seemingly absurd journey this 45 year old, homeschooling, mom of two teenagers finds herself on. However, with the support of my husband of 25 years, Richard Hillis, I humbly ask for an opportunity to share all that God has done and continues to do. While my background is in leading worship at various events and I am grateful for any opportunity to continue in that, I am also happy to provide a concert experience including original music and the stories behind the songs from my debut album, "Let the Holy Roar." The only hope is for the redemptive work of my life to simply throw light into the shadowed, hard places of my fellow wounded worshippers.

Thank you,

Amy Hillis

available for the following:


Speaking Engagements

Church Events

Women's Ministry Events

Leading Worship


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Click the links for letters of recommendation from pastors and friends of Amy Hillis. 

Jeremy Freeman
Nathan Presley
Erin Anderson
Brittany Woodward
Weston Dearman

  I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the release of Amy Hillis’ music launch.  I saw Amy put her heart out there and give of herself in a way I’ve never seen.  The music she presented touched me deeply and allowed me to see her passion for the Lord and music.  Her song writing and singing ability amazes me.  I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room.  She is a must listen.

Vicki Andrews

I have been friends with Amy for several years and have had the privilege  of being able to walk beside her through this journey the Lord has had her on. This album is a reflection of God’s goodness, grace and his faithfulness to us when everything around us seems to be falling apart. The lyrics of Amy’s music resonate at a deeper level and reflect the truths of God’s Word in a way that causes the listener to worship a God who longs to have a relationship with His people.

Keli Anderson

Amy Hillis' music Is extraordinary.

The lyrics are real, inspired, and overflowing with hope.  You will listen with your ears, as well as your heart, as she takes you on a personal journey of both heartbreak and healing.  You feel her struggles deeply as she testifies to the faithfulness of God and power of His redemption. This truly is a special kind of music that you must experience for yourself.  I hope and pray that EVERYONE gets the opportunity!

Emily Freeman

Life is hard.  Sometimes it is easy to get overwhelmed with the weight of our circumstances.  In my own life,  I sometimes struggle to make sense of the suffering my family has endured. I’m so thankful for the reminders of God’s faithfulness and sovereignty woven throughout Amy Hillis’s music. I often find myself repeating the truths I’ve heard in her songs over and over in my head throughout the day. The words bring great comfort and hope and they always point me straight to my gracious and merciful Savior.

Jeannie Stewart

A stirring anthem for the body of Christ, the Let Holy Roar album is a call for His people to unite in worship. These songs propel us into his presence and despite our former brokenness, we can be whole through our Lord, our Helper. Amy Hillis brings her personal testimony to life in a way that all believers can relate and join in adoration of our Lord.

Julia Leinen

To hear Amy tell the story of how God planted this music in her heart when she was just a young teen shows the beauty of a Father who is always faithful to keep His promises. It reminds us that our wayward past, our moments of doubt, and even just the busyness of our day-to-day lives; none of it catches God by surprise, and He won’t waste a single thing. These songs are not just pretty melodies and words on a page; they are a journey of surrender, and a courageous testament to the amazing adventurous life that a boundless God wants to share with us if we will only give Him our “yes.”

Amanda Allgeier

Amy shares her life in a genuine transparent way that reflects beautifully in her music. You can see her excitement in what God is doing through this musical journey. She is a beautiful example of when we trust in the Jesus, the one who loves us most, who knows us to our core, He graciously lavishes blessings on His children.

Maggie Nash

Amy’s testimony of how God has been moving in her life and and in her music is so inspiring. She tells the story of a personal God who is intimately involved in our lives, and this truth comes through clearly in both her musical performance and storytelling. It was a blessing to listen to Amy lead the crowd in honoring and worshiping the Lord.

Jenny LaBahn

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